A snipe tells how he spent the winter in Sri Lanka…!

Last winter I wanted to go to a far away country to get away from the hard winter season in my country. I thought of various places. I always wanted to go to a place where I could enjoy my holidays. Meanwhile I met a friend who had visited a bird sanctuary in Sri Lanka. He told me everything about the facilities there. He told me about the lagoon by the sanctuary.
Thereafter I really wanted to visit the bird sanctuary Kumana in Sri Lanka. As the last winter season came I left my country Siberia.
As you know we Snipers don’t stop on the way to rest. We don’t like to waste our time. I flew straight to the bird sanctuary kumana in Sri Lanka.
After three days marothen flight I stopped on a big tree near the lagoon. I rested for few hours. After that I started seeing in and around Kumana.
You won’t believe but I was surprised to see thousands of birds there. There were indigenous birds as well as migrant birds like myself. After little chats with some birda came to know that they were regular visitors to Kumana.
Tern, sandpiper, plover duck are some of the migrant birds that i met. There were many indigenous birds too. Among them, there were herons, storks, egrets and spoonbills. I also saw that water hens, purple coot and many other aquatic birds had built their nests on the swamp.
Although I have visited many bird paradises in the world, I had never visited a place like Kumana. Kumana is a real paradise for we birds.
However, I didn’t feel time passing. By the end of last March I had to leave Kumana. Although I felt very sad to leave Kumana, I had to. On the last day of March I started flying back home. I always feel like going back to Kumana. Yes, even in the next season, I will travel to Kumana. I can’t really forget that beautiful land.