A well-known person in my village…!

Mr. Jayarathna Wijekoon is a well-known person in my village. He is respected by everyone in my village. He is loved by everyone. He is a real gentleman. He is fat and tall. He is a very handsome man. He is very honest. He never finds faults with others. I have never seen such a generous man. He always helps others.
He is a teacher. He teaches English. He teaches in our village school. He is very good at teaching. This clever teacher has produced a lot of English teachers. Most of his students pass examinations well.
Many years ago he taught in a very rural school in Kurunegala district. Those days he used to come home in weekends. Even those days he taught the young boys and girls in our village in weekends. He did not levy any money for his classes. He did it as a social service.
Even now, he is a very good social worker in our Village. He is the president of the death donation society of our village. He has organized many Shramadana campaigns to fulfill the short comings in the village. He leads an exemplary life.
I think we should take such a gentleman as an example for our lives. I hope that he may live many more years to serve the people of his village. I wish him good health and courage.